i2b2: Informatics for Integrating Biology & the Bedside - A National Center for Biomedical Computing
Software i2b2 Software
Current i2b2 Versions

Release Notes
SHRINE Approved:

Use the links below to access the software repository where you will find the source code, executable files, XSD files, PDF files and more.

Quick Launch

Download Binary Distribution

The i2b2 is a collection of both client and server and can be used to install or upgrade the i2b2 Server and webclient. More detailed instructions are located here.

Version: 1.8.1
Release Date: June 21, 2024
License: Mozilla 2 Open Source License

Select the appropriate file below for download:

DownloadFile SizeDescrptionInstallation Guide
i2b2core-new-181.zip 1.9 GB Zip New Install i2b2 Server
PDF Quick Install
i2b2core-upgrade-181.zip 106 MB Zip Upgrade i2b2 Server
PDF Quick Upgrade

VMWare Image

Below is the complete VMware i2b2 server installed on CentOS.

Only supported on VMware fusion and Player.

Version: 1.8.1
Release Date: June 21, 2024
License: Mozilla 2 Open Source License

After you have downloaded and installed the VMware image, please use the following login for CentOS:

CentOS Account
User: wildfly (or root)
Password: demouser

Select the appropriate file below for download:

DownloadFile SizeType
Soon 4.4 GB WindowsMacintosh VMware Core Image v1.8.1
vmware_Install_Guide_18.pdf 866 kB PDF VMware Installation Guide v1.8.1

Download Source Code

The i2b2 Source is a collection of both client and server source code and can be used to build the i2b2 Server and Workbench from scratch. The source code files for the i2b2 Core Hive Cells, i2b2 Workbench and Web Client are listed below. Demo data and the current documentation can also be downloaded.

Version: 1.8.1
Release Date: June 21, 2024
License: Mozilla 2 Open Source License

Select the appropriate file below for download:

DownloadFile SizeType
i2b2core-src-181.zip 86 MB Zip Core Source Code Server v1.8.1
i2b2webclient-181.zip 33 MB Zip Web Client Source v1.8.1
i2b2createdb-181.zip 492 MB Zip i2b2 Data for Oracle, PostgreSQL and Sql Server
i2b2-workbench- 75 MB Zip Workbench Client Source v2.0.01.0001

Older Versions: Previous releases can be found on the Archived Source Code web page


Hover over the modules below for the latest documentation:

  • i2b2 Web Client
  • The i2b2 Web Client is a collection of client-side components designed as an YUI AJAX-based plug-ins that communicate with i2b2 Cells and allow the investigator to query and display the data of the hive.
  • Install Guide
  • Project Request Guide
  • Go to Download
  • Patient Counts Plug-in
  • Optional Server Side CRC Plug-in
  • This server-side CRC plug-in calculates patient count breakdown for the children of a given concept. It is used in conjunction with an enhanced ontology workbench plug-in.
  • Functional Specification
  • Go to Download

Older, unsupported add-ons are on the Archived Optional Components page.

Development Tracking

Please submit any bugs that you may encounter using our bug tracking web page.

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